“A total ban on indoor tanning could prevent nearly 203,000 melanoma cases and 23,000 melanoma deaths, and save $1.1 billion in melanoma treatment costs.”
“We know that tanning beds cause skin cancer – the World Health Organization considers them a level one carcinogen, in the same category as plutonium and cigarettes… We need to do what we can to take care of our young, and at risk, population to prevent potentially life threatening conditions as they age” – like melanoma.
More Information: COSMOPOLITAN
#StudentsAgainstMelanoma #EarlyDetection #SkinCancerEducation #SkinCancerPrevention #MelanomaAwareness #TanningBedFacts #SkinCancerPreventiveEducation, #RichardDavidKannMelanomaFoundation #SaveLives #TanningBedsCauseCancer #TanningBedPledge #DangersOfUsingTanningBooths #Melanoma #VictimsToMelanoma #SkinCancer #TanningBeds #BinTheBeds #LoveTheSkinYou’reIn